Southmead Development Trust

The Southmead Development Trust exists to serve the community of Southmead and primarily does this by running the Southmead Youth Centre and a large centre called The Greenway Centre. The centre shares the site with a Dr’s surgery and we see ourselves as a healthy living centre, social enterprise hub and community centre. We have a board of trustees who either live or work locally. We run 7 teams:

  • Training – Courses specifically tailored for local job seekers and occasional courses for specific interest groups;
  • Fitness – We run a community gym, an exercise on referral scheme with the local GP’s, an exercise of release scheme with Horfield prison as well as a range of classes with membership starting from £10/mth;
  • Facilities – trampolining, sewing, cheerleading, choir, church, a couple of rugby pitches and a community orchard etc through to wedding receptions, conferences and meetings; we also have a café on site.
  • Business Centre – affordable office space targeted for start-up businesses, we also host likeminded organisations serving the community.
  • Youth – we run the local youth centre delivering open access and target youth work in partnership with many organisations.
  • Community Development – we are passionate about serving Southmead and North Bristol. The main focus this year is leading on a Community Plan, coordinating the Southmead Festival and addressing the health inequalities
  • Wellbeing – as a healthy living centre we have a number of partnerships and projects to support health and wellbeing.

More details are available on our website or on the charity commissions website using our registration number 1061468.